Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The end of Act I...

"Abigail rises, staring as though inspired, and cries out. 

Abigail:  I want to open myself! They turn to her, startled. She is enraptured, as though 
in a pearly light. I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for 
the Devil; I saw him; I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss His hand. I saw 
Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osborn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop 
with the Devil! 

As she is speaking, Betty is rising from the bed, a fever in her eyes, and picks up the 

Betty, staring too: I saw George Jacobs with the Devil! I saw Goody Howe with the 

Parris: She speaks! He rushes to embrace Betty. She speaks! Hale: Glory to God! It is 
broken, they are free! 

Betty, calling out hysterically and with great relief:  I saw Martha Bellows with the 

Abigail:  I saw Goody Sibber with the Devil! It is rising to o great glee. 

Putnam:  The marshal, I’ll call the marshal! 

Parris is shouting a prayer of thanksgiving. 

Betty:  I saw Alice Barrow with the Devil! 

The curtain begins to fall. 

Hale, as Putnam goes out:  Let the marshal bring irons! 

Abigail:  I saw Goody Hawkins with the Devil! 
Betty:  I saw Goody Bibber with the Devil! 
Abigail:  I saw Goody Booth with the Devil! 

On their ecstatic cries 

  • In light of the events leading up to the climax at the end of Act I, do you think the confessions from Tituba and the girls are believable? Explain why or why not.

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