Thursday, October 25, 2012

ACT I - Wheels within Wheels

What does Mrs. Putnam mean when she says, "You think it God's work you should never lose a child, nor grandchild either, and I bury all but one?  There are wheels within wheels in this village, and fires within fires!"


  1. She's saying she buried all of her children but one. She's trying to say that there is something fishy about this situation. This also means, the devil is working through this village with witchcraft.

  2. She means that the devil is behind everything. He is working through witchcraft. It is also not normal to lose all of your children but one.

  3. She is saying that their are many things that the people in the town do not notice that is going on. She believes that the devil and witchcraft is affecting all of the townspeople. Mrs. Putnam believes that her having to bury of all her children is not normal and that something supernatural must be going on. The term wheels within wheels refers to the fact that there is another guiding force going on that is unnoticed by the normal crowd of people.

  4. What Mrs. Putnam means by There are wheels within wheels in this village,and fires within saying that something is behind everything that has happen in the villages. The work that has been done is inspired by witch craft and by the devil.

  5. The Devil is behind everything. He is using witchcraft. She believes this is the reason all of her children have died.

  6. I think that she eans that the devil is behind the death of all of her children but one and that it is not normal. Also that the devil is using witchcraft in the village.

  7. She is saying that losing all of her children is not normal and that the Devil is behind it all. He is working through witchcraft. She seems to believe that the Devil is controlling the people in the town. She believes that if God doesn't take control, the Devil is going to take over the town and its townspeople. The Devil might be powerful, but God can beat him any day.

  8. There are always things happening that you do not see. It may appear to be God's doings but it could really be the devil's. There's always stuff working and changing in the background. They may appear to be good things but turn out to be bad in the long run. You can't know everything so it may be too late by the time you realize that it's not what God is doing, but it's the devil.

  9. She is talking about how things are going on in the village that people do not notice. Mrs. Putnam thinks that having to bury all of her children is not normal and thus makes her come to the belief that something unnatural is happening among the village. She believes that witchcraft or devilry is going on. "There are wheels within wheels in this village, and fires within fires!", this means that there are unknown forces controlling things that are happening in the village that are not notice by the villagers.

  10. She believes that something horrible is happening, and everyone hasn't noticed yet, but she has when she had to bury all but one of her children.

  11. She's using the phrase "Wheels within wheels and fires within fires," to express her suspicions that there is something wrong with the village, maybe that someone or something is specifically going after her.

  12. That someone is controlling what happens and that her children did not die by coincident. She believes that someone is using witchcraft to kill her children and that person is now messing with her last daughter, Ruth's, head

  13. there is something happening that you can't see behind the real thing

  14. she means she shouldn't have have lost all her kids. the devil is working tru withcraft.. the devil is doing all this! she burried all her kids nut one.

  15. She is saying that it is not normal to lose a child, but she has lost all of hers, but one. She believes that the cause of it is witchcraft. She is saying that if you look close enough you can see the bad things that are happening.

  16. Mrs. Putnam is saying that it is more than just coincidence to the death of all but one of her children. She believes that the other people of the town are missing something, that they aren't noticing what is going on. Mrs. Putnam thinks that it has something to do with witchcraft.

  17. It means she lost all of her children but one, and she doesn't believe it's a coincidence. She believes there is an underlying cause for all of these events; the devil, through witchcraft.

  18. The Devil is behind everything. He is using witchcraft. She believes this is the reason all of her children have died.

  19. She thinks it is weird because she lost all of her children but one and there is something wrong with that picture. What she means by saying "There are wheels within wheels in this village, and fires within fires!" that there is a reason for things that happen in the village but they always don't catch the eye.

  20. She believes that something else is behind the children's death, suck as witchcraft or other evil planning.

  21. She's saying that the Devil is the one that is making her lose all of her children. Its by witchcraft too.

  22. She believes that children shouldn't be involved in witch-craft or evil things. So no one should lose a child like that.

  23. She's saying that Rebecca must be a witch because none of her children had died. She is referring to the fact that Rebecca's surplus of children and her lack are very much connected.

  24. She believes no one should lose a child because of witch-craft caused by the Devil.

  25. She is saying that the Devil is the one who is after her kids through witchcraft.

  26. She saying that the devil has took all her kids by witchcraft except for 1 of them.

  27. She believes that there is a Witch out there in the village that is killing all of her children through witchcraft, b/c all of the other people's children are not dead but all of her's is. She does not think this is a coincidence. She just does not know who is. doing it.

  28. She was says that there something that is killing her children. That something is up because everyone else has kids and hers die.
