Monday, November 8, 2010


After reading Act 1, and thinking about the events leading up to the climax at the end of the act, do you think the confessions from Tituba and the girls are believable? Explain why or why not.


  1. Tituba and the girls are guilty of witchcraft, like Rebecca Nurse has said from the beginning. They were scared to death so they played stupid until they found a loophole. That loophole was to confess they were practicing withchcraft and ask to be saved to avoid the punishment of their actions.

  2. Of course they are not believable. Those girls found a way to get out of trouble and they jumped at it. They knew that no one would understand what they were doing and that they would be hung, so they found a loophole and jumped through it. All they did was confess their 'working with the devil' and start laying the blame on the other people in the village.

  3. The girls confesing are not believable becaused they are scared out of there mind. They all know what they did is wrong so they don't want to be hanged. They confess and point blame at people they hate to show that they are sad and ashamed. It is not beleivable because of the way they do it and the timing.

  4. The girls are very cloearly full of it becouse they take opertunitys that they would only take as comes. They are very struggling along taking things they say back and changing their story constantly. It is the clearest crock of bull I've ever seen.

  5. yes because why would they lie on theirself ,but about the blaim no.
    They know what theyare doin.

  6. No. Because once they learned that their punishment of witchcraft would be hanging, they seemed to know a lot of people who were in the woods, also Betty, who possibly been plagued by witchcraft suddenly rose up from her bed and named others also.

  7. Yes and No because they were lying at first and they start coming out with the truth cause they don't want to die. They have people threatening them and saying that they need to tell them what really happened so they can save Betty.

  8. i beleave that the confessions from tituba an the other girls are not beleavable because they are just tring to get out of trouble an blaming others is aperintly a good way to get out of trouble but some of the things that they say about the others being witches does not make sence like how they use little things as evendence that could have hade nuthing to do with being a witch.

  9. yes because they already beleive that witchcraft is already in salem so why not blame some more people

  10. No, because they accused other people that were not even involved in witchcraft. Abagail is the one who is blaming things on others because she dosen't want to get hung. Abagail accused Mrs. Proctor because she kicked her out of her house.

  11. I don't think they are believable. Abigail and the other girls are blaming innocent people for doing witchcraft. The girls don't want to get in trouble for their wrong doings. So they start putting the blame on others. The people that get blamed go to jail. They, all people of the town, know the outcome. They would get hung for doing witchcraft.

  12. I do not think it is believable because they are blaming other innocent people. They dont want to get in trouble themselves for doing witchcraft so they are blaming it on others.

  13. Some may and some may not. When Abigail and Mary Warren begin accusing people of being in the woods, it seems as if they are accusing just about anyone they know. Some of those people may not have even been anywhere near the woods. The accusations can only be proven if there are other people to second them.

  14. The confessions are unbelievable because they are just calling names and pointing fingers so that the focus won't be on them. They know the punishment for their actions and they do not want to go through it.

  15. My comment got deleted so I hope this one goes through. I think the girls are confessing to get the blame away from them. In Hale's eyes they become pure if the confess

  16. Its hard to believe them because they lied about not doing witchcraft. So, why would yew beleive them when they said they did.

  17. You can believe them but then again you cant trust what they say. When they found out they were gonna be hung they started naming many people who were in the woods. They could be trying to save their own skins and just naming folks to get them out of it.

  18. I do not think that they were believable. They will say anything they can to get the blame off of them. They are persecuting innocent people that never did witchcraft.

  19. They are not believable because the girls and Tituba are guilty of witchcraft. They got caught and they were quick to start blaming others. They do not want to face the punishment of performing witchcraft.

  20. the girls are scared to admit that they did witchcraft because they will be hung. they are just lieing because they dont want the town people to find out. so they are blaming others for the bad things that they do:(

  21. I think that the Tituba and the girls are not honest they found a good way to get out of trouble.Then at uthe end of the day they started telling the truth.

  22. I think that the girls are not honest but at bthe end of the day when they heard what would happen they wanted to tell the truth.

  23. I think that Tituba and the girls are not believable because they are blaming other innocent people for witchcraft and clearly they are trying to keep themselves out of trouble.

  24. I think Tituba and the girls are not believable because they are blaming other innocent people for withcraft clearly to keep themselves out of trouble.

  25. Of course they're not believable. Those girls did witchcraft and they knew the only way out of it was to lie about others. They told the truth about that night but they started blaming everyone else so they wouldn't have to die.

  26. Well it can either go yes or no because they already believe that that is witchcraft around there and also the girls are scared to deathif anyone found out that they are doing witchcraft already. So they start blaming everyone else so that they wouldnt die but the blamed ones will get killed.

  27. I don't think it is believable.Because the girls in the woods do witchcraft and they lie on other people.They start blaming the other so they wouldn't die.

  28. yes because they shouldn't do witchcraft and that but i think think tituba them are thinkable and believeable.

  29. i dont think that they r belevible becouse they new they could get out of it by telling on others and to hide the truth by blaming others . they told them everything that they did in the woods but just blamed other people for it

  30. It has been said that Tituba and some other girls have been involved in witchcraft. They were scared to death and they didn't know what to do so they decided they would begin to act stupid. And then they said that they admit to being involved in witchcraft. They did all that just so they could ask to be saved, to avoid the punishment.

  31. The girls were lying the entire time to save their own skins. Ruth and Betty only "awoke from the curse" because they found a way out.

  32. I do not think the girls are believable for many reasons. They are faking witchcraft and we all know why. Abigail is trying to get John Proctor and she had practically blackmailed all the girls into helping her. They convict EVERYONE just because they can. They are all crazy. They lie for Abigail because they don't want to die.

  33. Tituba and the girls are guilty of witchcraft, but they are actually just faking it. And they are like going around blaming other people calling them witchs to keep herself out of trouble.

  34. Mary Warren was going to court to confess for lying against Goody Proctor and she was influenced by peer pressure. Abigail conned her into lying again which got Proctor hung

  35. No they are not believeable because you dont know which one is telling the truth but I think Tituba is telling the truth and Abigail was lying and Rev. Parris believed Abigail because that is his neice.

  36. I don,t think it is believeable because I don,t know who was lying or who was telling the truth but i think Tituba was telling the truth and Abigail was lying.

  37. In this time peroid, it would be believable. Women were found guilty in other towns, they find some in Salem, what is not to believe? What I mean is that, if in a town or city near you, it was said that someone found a small dragon, you would be believe it. You would not have tv or something else to hear other wise.

  38. No, i would not believe this. Because of the sudden outburst of witchcraft in that area.

  39. I dont think the girls are believable because they already admitted to witchcraft so they are atomatically in the wrong. Also, the way they all started to blame and accuse others should be an obvious slap in the face that they are just blaming there enemies for revenge. So to sum it up, no I do not think these girls are believable. But the people in Salem are too dumb to realize that.

  40. The girls confessed to whitch craft because they didnt want to die. They started nameing other people because they thought they would get away with it. I dont think anything the girls said was beleavable

  41. No there not believeable. They did witchcraft and they know it they were just lyin tryin to get thereself outta trouble.

  42. The girls confesing are not believable becaused they are scared out of there mind. They all know what they did is wrong so they don't want to be hanged. They confess and point blame at people they hate to show that they are sad and ashamed. It is not beleivable because of the way they do it and the timing.

  43. The girls are guilty of witchcraft. They just play stupid so they don't get in trouble with the court. The girls start to blame people they hate so they can turn the attention off of them.

  44. The girls were lying the whole time because they was scared of what was gonna happen to them. Ruth and Betty only woke up because they could get out without getting in trouble.

  45. at first yea people will believe them unless they know for sure...but in the end i think its all gunna go down...and not so many people will believe them...

  46. Yes, because Abigail asked Tituba to help them find a death spell. Therefore, she is guilty of witchcraft, but it was also Abigail's fault.

  47. I think that Tituba and the girls are not telling the truth because they are blaming others innocent people for witchcraft clearly to keep themselves out of trouble.

  48. I believe that Tituba and the girls are acctually practicing witchcraft. the reason i believe this is because Tituba told Hale that she really was doing it.

  49. I don't think they are believeable. Abigail and the other girls are blamming innocent people for doing witchcraft. The girls don't want to get in trouble for their wrong doing. So they start putting the blame on others. They would get hung for doing witchcraft.

  50. They did practice witchcraft, but the fact is that they are just exploiting a loophole by confessing to save themselves from the rope so frankly I wouldn't believe a word they said....Unless they said they were liars..that I could believe.

  51. The girls knew that the only way out of trouble was to lie on others. They told the truth about the night, but blamed ohers.

  52. The girls new that if they blamed others it would get them out of trouble. they told the truth about the dancing around the fire but blamed others of witchcraft.

  53. i dont think that theyre confessions are believable. They know that the only way to get out of being hung is to lie on other people in the town and they will do anything they can to get out of trouble.

  54. I say its prety belivable because people back then would have belived anything someone said like if they said the sky was falling people would belive it. thats how dumb people where back then

  55. I do not think they are believable, I think they just dont want to get in trouble and they know if they dont accuse someone else then they could be hung.

  56. I don't think they are believable because I think they were just saying names that immedietly came to their mind when they heard they were going to be hanged

  57. I think that they are guilty because they were always pointing the finger at somebody else. They are afraid to die thats why they were not able to admit what they did.

  58. They only confesed because they wanted to get out of being acused of doing the witchcraft thing.They were kind of believeable. They were dancing and abigail was castin a spell to kill elizabeth because she had a crush on abigails man.

  59. Tibuta and the girls' confessions would not be believable because they were caught. They would lie their way out of trouble, because they are scared to get in trouble.So they blame it on other people.

  60. the townsfolk think that their "Confesions" are true,, because they are setting up other townsfolk, and because it looks believable they believe it. And the other townsfolk that don't realy believe say that they do so they don't get acused also.

  61. I think Tituba and the girl are guilty because they are handleing the situations like children, pointing the finger at someone else trying to get the attention off of them so that is showing that they are guilty.

  62. I don't believe that Tituba and the other girls' "confessions" are not believable because I think it is plain to see that they are just passing the blame. If people took the time to look into it, they'd see that they are naming those in which they dislike.

  63. I don't think their confessions are believeable because they didn't name off other people until they were told they were going to be hung. They're puting the blame on other people just so they wouldn't get hung.

  64. I believe the confessions from Tituba and the girls are at fault. I do not think they are being honest at all...They named off a bunch of random names just to keep the blame off of themselves.

  65. Yes and No because they were lying at first and they start coming out with the truth cause they don't want to die. They have people threatening them and saying that they need to tell them what really happened so they can save Betty.

  66. I think that the confession was unbelievable because she was too suspicious when she was telling them the names, also she started naming people when she found out what would happen if she got caught.

  67. I think that they aren't believable because they are blaming too many different people, but the truths going to come out sooner or later. They are going to regret ever blaming anyone.

  68. I think since Tituba lied and said she was doing witch craft and put the blame on some people she doesn't know to keep from getting hung even no started the whole thing.

  69. The girls are doing witchcraft so they were scared to death, so they played stupid until they found someone who they could put the blame on so they wouldn't look so guilty.

  70. NO!! Because its very clear that they are not telling the truth because of all the people that are locked up. They only saw a few girls in the woods dancing, but now they have like 40 people in jail.

  71. No;they are not believable because as of today they are lik youngtas who just continue to blame until you just can't or won't believe a thing they do or say.

  72. I dont think they are believeable because all they do is point their finger at other people so that the focus is not on them. They know what the punishments are for lying and they do not want to go through them.

  73. Abigail and the other girls are blaming innocent people for doing witchcraft. The girls don't want to get in trouble for their actions. So they start putting the blame on others.

  74. The girls don't want to get in trouble for their actions. So they start putting the blame on others.
